Crime is the biggest-selling genre in books. In the western world, crime fiction– mystery, thrillers, suspense, etc. makes up somewhere between 25 and 40 percent of all fiction book sales.
After writing 3 novels, Dallas crime novelist Omar Scott’s newest book is what the publishing industry would describe as a police procedural. These mysteries cast police officers as protagonists and emphasize the mechanics of police sleuthing and the lives of the officers themselves.
After studying Western Philosophy in college, and studying true crime as a hobby, Omar grabs his inspiration from traditional authors like Carl Weber, Eric Jerome Dickey, Teri Woods, Sister Souljah, and Omar Tyree. Upon retirement, Scott plans to volunteer for the Innocent Project, helping to free the wrongfully convicted.

Originally from Los Angeles, Scott’s family moved to Dallas where he graduated from Justin F. Kimball high school. Growing up in a single-parent household, Scott turned to the streets and gangs to make peace with his situation. After committing a robbery with his friends, he had an accident that left him with second and third-degree burns on his chest and right arm. If that wasn’t bad enough, while healing from his injuries, he was arrested for the crimes that he had committed.
It was then that Scott decided to not only turn his life around but to write fiction books about the very real criminal activity that he once took part in. He attended college at El Centro and Mountain View College where he majored in creative writing. He published his first work, Troubled Waters, on in 2008 and has since gone on to write three additional books. His fourth and latest crime novel, Loyal to a Fault, will be coming out this fall.

In Loyal to a Fault, we meet, Dez, a promising DEA agent that works his way off the streets of Brooklyn to a plain clothes position as a member of the Manhattan DEA Division. When his dearest friend and member of his team, Lance is gunned down during an investigation, Dez will stop at nothing and break all rules to find the killer, El Cazador.
Dez’s only lead is a notorious and charismatic, local dealer named Chops who is looking to strike his own deal with El Cazador. Caught in the middle, is a sexy interior designer named Pia, who is unknowingly the key witness that has captured the eyes of both men.
In this deadly love triangle, will Pia help Dez get vengeance for his friend’s murder, or will she be seduced by the riches and glamour that come with being the lover of the most dangerous man in the city?

Catch Omar Scott in his latest interview with 102.6 The Situation

Book will be available on Amazon, Apple, Goodreads, and other book retailers and reader platforms.
Loyal To A Fault
Publication Date: October 17, 2022